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for your online empire.

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Hosting Plans

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Dedicated Server

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Hosting Features

All plans include.

Resource Protection

Even if there are other websites on the shared server, your site’s performance stays protected and unaffected.

Domain Manager

Our domain manager makes it easy to update, transfer, purchase and manage your domains in one place.

SSL Certificates

Keep personal information, e-commerce transactions and other sensitive data safeguarded with encrypted connections.

Google Ads

Give your campaign an extra kick with a Google Ads match credit up to $150 on your first campaign


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With airCloud Shared Hosting you get all the features, tools, and guidance you need to build and launch truly impressive websites.

What customers say


Shared Hosting is one of the most popular hosting packages because it provides an affordable way to get your website online. Shared Hosting works by allowing multiple users to share space on a single server maintained by the hosting provider

Cost-effective: Shared hosting is the most cost-effective option when it comes to web hosting. Since multiple websites are hosted on a single server, the cost of the server is shared among all the websites, making it an affordable option for businesses or individuals who are just starting out.

Maintenance: With shared hosting, the hosting provider is responsible for server maintenance, security, and updates. This means that you don’t have to worry about technical issues or server maintenance, allowing you to focus on your website.

Choose a hosting provider: There are many hosting providers out there that offer shared hosting plans. Do your research and choose a provider that fits your needs and budget.

Select a plan: Hosting providers offer different shared hosting plans with varying features and resources. Choose a plan that suits your website’s requirements.

Register a domain: A domain is the address of your website, and you will need to register one before you can host your website. Many hosting providers offer domain registration services, or you can register a domain from a domain registrar.

Set up your account: Once you have selected a plan and registered your domain, you will need to set up your account with the hosting provider. This will typically involve providing your personal and billing information.

Install a CMS: If you plan on building your website using a content management system (CMS), you will need to install it on your server. Many hosting providers offer one-click installers for popular CMSs like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.

Upload your files: Once you have installed your CMS, you can upload your website files to the server using an FTP client or the hosting provider’s file manager.

Test your website: Before making your website live, it’s important to test it to ensure everything is working properly. You can do this by accessing your website through its domain name or IP address.

Choose a new hosting provider: Select a new hosting provider that meets your website’s requirements and budget. Make sure they offer shared hosting plans.

Sign up for a new shared hosting plan: Once you have chosen a new hosting provider, sign up for a shared hosting plan that fits your needs.

Back up your website: Before you migrate your website, it’s important to back up all your website files and databases. You can do this using an FTP client and a database management tool.

Transfer your domain: If your domain is registered with your old hosting provider, you will need to transfer it to the new provider. Follow the instructions provided by your new hosting provider to transfer your domain.

Upload your website files: Once you have signed up for a new hosting plan, you can upload your website files to the new server using an FTP client or the hosting provider’s file manager.

Import your database: If your website uses a database, you will need to import it into the new server. You can do this using a database management tool like phpMyAdmin.

Test your website: Once you have uploaded your website files and imported your database, test your website to make sure everything is working properly. You can do this by accessing your website through its domain name or IP address.

Switch your DNS: Once you have tested your website, you can switch your DNS to point to the new hosting provider. This will ensure that visitors to your website are directed to the new server.

Wait for DNS propagation: DNS propagation can take up to 48 hours, so it’s important to wait for it to complete before you cancel your old hosting plan.

Cancel your old hosting plan: Once DNS propagation is complete, you can cancel your old hosting plan.

By following these steps, you can migrate your website from one shared hosting provider to another with minimal downtime and disruption.



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